For registration, please visit the EKA website following this link: http://www.emirateskiters.com/al-gharbia-2015.html We urge all competitors to have at least a third party liability insurance that includes competitions. If you don’t already have race insurance or if you are unsure as to whether your insurance covers kiteboard racing, please click here to get insured for only EUR 39/year (affiliate link).
As for directions: https://www.google.com/maps/dir//24.1018815,53.4825288/@24.1014065,53.4827568,18z Unfortunately, the event website has not been updated with accommodation info or event schedule. During the past years’ events tents were available for competitors although we recommend camping with your own equipment or staying at the MIrfa Hotel (although prices increase dramatically during the event weekends).
Regarding the schedule, it is usually done on the fly depending on the wind, however we were assured that races will be run with the 6knot minimum international requirement.
We will be running demos for the new Ozone Edge V8s, Chronos, Zephyr, Catalysts and Taaroa Sword 2.